Bullet list for Javascript best practice
09 Jul 2020 1 min
There are a lot of articles about following best practice in javascript. I have listed bullet point from TL;DR
article for quick review. We can always write .eslintrc
at root of the project to enforce linting. Here are the bullet points:
Do not deep nest the map function. Always decompose it to multiple functions.
Stop writing too many comments.
Don not take more than two argument in a function. If is required to take more than two argument, pass an object rather than multiple arguments.
If you see similar code, then you might me repeating yourself. Such code can always be refactored.
Avoid large function. Large function can always be spited into multiple small functions.
Limit your function to single responsible task. Do not create a side-effect in a function.
Use spread operator where as possible and it will help to reduce repeated code.
Variable Naming: Always use camelCase
Always use meaningful name. So it is are clear to reader. Favour descriptive over concise. Where there is shorter version use shorter version.
While naming use consistence verb, such as get create remove update.
Use isGreen, hasAirbag and similar verb while defining boolean flags.
Use nouns for class name. Write all class in PascalCase.
Capitalize constant value, like redux action name. SECOND_IN_A_DAY. They never change and should be update.
Avoid one letter variable name.
Clean way to console.log and debug it is following: console.log({foo, bar, baz}). It will give use variable name and value in one line and separately. Second argument of console.log function is style. You can use them to stand out the console log.
Always use template-literals.
Always use ternary operator over if else and if statement.
For Loop can be replaced with reduce api in array.
Always write async -await code to replace
and Promise object and callback function